How to Download Emails in Webmail with Roundcube Print

  • email download, download email, download messages, webmail
  • 1

You can download up to 2GB of emails at a time. All attachments in the selected messages will be downloaded as well. To download emails in webmail follow these steps

Step 1: Open Roundcube Webmail

Open your preferred web browser and enter the URL for your webmail login page. Typically, it is something like Enter your email address and password to log in.

Step 2: Select Emails to Download

In Roundcube Webmail, you'll see your email inbox with a list of emails. Browse through the emails and select the ones you want to download. You can select multiple emails by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key while clicking on each email. You can also select all emails on the current page or all messages in the folder with the Select menu at the top of the page.

Step 3: Download Emails

After selecting the desired emails, look for the "More" button located above the email list. Click on it to reveal a dropdown menu. From the dropdown menu, choose the "Download" option.

Step 4: Choose Download Format

A pop-up window will appear, asking you to choose the download format. You can select either "Souce (.eml)", "Mbox format (.zip)" or "Maildir format (.zip)".

  • Source (.eml):
    The "Source" format refers to the individual email messages saved as .eml files. Each email will be downloaded as a separate file in the .eml format. The .eml format is a standard email file format that can be opened and read by various email clients, such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, or Apple Mail. This format preserves the original formatting, including headers, body content, and any attachments associated with the email. It is useful if you want to store or archive individual emails separately.

  • Mbox format (.zip):
    The "Mbox format" allows you to download emails in a single file in the .mbox format, which is a common file format used for storing multiple email messages. When you choose the Mbox format, Roundcube will create a .zip file that contains all the selected emails in a compressed format. The .mbox format is widely supported by email clients, making it easy to import and view the downloaded emails in various email applications. This format is suitable if you want to consolidate multiple emails into a single file for storage or migration purposes.

  • Maildir format (.zip):
    The "Maildir format" is similar to the Mbox format, but it follows a different structure for organizing email messages. When you choose the Maildir format, Roundcube will also create a .zip file that contains all the selected emails. The Maildir format is commonly used by some email servers and applications, such as Dovecot, to store emails as separate files within a directory structure. This format preserves the individual email messages as separate files with unique filenames, making it easier for advanced email management and indexing. If you are migrating your emails to a Maildir-based email system or need to work with the emails in a Maildir-compatible environment, this format would be useful.

Step 5: Save the Emails

After choosing the download format, the download will commence automatically in your browser. This will typically be saved to your Downloads folder. If multiple emails were selected, Roundcube will create a zip of your selection before sending it to your browser; this will take a few seconds, depending on the number of messages in your selection.

Step 6: Repeat for Additional Emails

If you have more emails to download, repeat steps 2 to 5 until you have downloaded all the desired emails.

That's it! You have successfully downloaded emails from cPanel Webmail using Roundcube. Remember to keep your downloaded emails in a secure location on your computer.

Downloading Large Numbers of Email

To download all emails in a folder, select All from the Select menu. If the total size is 2GB or less, you can download all of them in one file. If the total size of emails you wish to download exceeds 2GB, it is advisable to do the download by pages or by date. To increase the number of messages listed on a page, go to Settings >> Preferences >> Mailbox View and change Rows per page to an appropriately high number. The maximum number is 2000.

To download messages according to date, Click the on the down arrow by the search bar to open the Search menu. Find the appropriate option under Date and click Search.


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