Cancelling hosting account

We do not require our customers to sign contracts so you may cancel your hosting services with Gesatech Solutions at any time and receive a prorated refund of the unused time remaining on your hosting term. Before contacting the Billing Department to have your hosting account canceled, please review the following information regarding the cancellation of a hosting account:

  • Only the Account Owner can request to have the account cancelled.
  • When a hosting cancellation is processed, ALL content is permanently deleted from our servers. This includes all of your emails, files, and databases associated with the hosting account. Once this data has been deleted, there is no possibility of restoration. So prior to canceling, you will want to make sure you have ALL necessary backups of your emails, files, and databases.
  • Cancelling a hosting account will delete the hosting services for ALL domains associated with the account. This includes parked, unparked, and add-on domains.
  • Cancelling the hosting services will not affect your access to the Domain Manager to manage the domain name(s) you have registered with us. You will still be able to login to your Domain Manager to manage your domain(s) to update your privacy options, nameservers, and the domain registration renewal settings. All domains kept on the default Auto-Renew setting will attempt renewal 15 days prior to expiration.
  • All notifications regarding your hosting account and any domains you have registered with us will be sent to the contact email address you have provided in the Profile/Billing tab of your cPanel. This needs to be a current email address unassociated with your hosting account. If necessary, please update your email address prior to contacting us to cancel the account.
  • A prorated refund of the unused time remaining on your hosting term will be issued back to the Credit Card account or PayPal account with which the service was most recently purchased. If the account is no longer active, please indicate this in your cancellation request so we can make alternate refund arrangements for you.

When you are ready to cancel your hosting account, simply contact the Billing Department via Phone, Live Chat or by Opening a Ticket. Please be sure to include ALL of the following information to expedite your request:

  • Your first and last name.
  • The Primary domain name of the hosting account you wish to cancel.
  • For security purposes, verify you are the Account Owner by providing:
    • The last four case-sensitive characters of the cPanel login Password.


    • If you paid with a Credit Card: the last four digits of the credit card used to pay for the most recent hosting payment.
    • If you paid with PayPal: the full 7-digit PayPal Invoice Number for the most recent hosting payment

*Note: BOTH the password AND the verifying method of payment are required to process the cancellation.

  • Confirm you have all necessary backups of your emails, files, and databases, and that the Billing Department can proceed with canceling and deleting all content from our servers associated with your hosting account.
  • Specify the desired renewal settings for the domain names you have registered with us. Please note that Auto-Renew is the default setting.
  • Confirm that your contact email address is current and unassociated with your hosting services.
  • Confirm that the Credit Card/PayPal account is still active.
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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