Setting up Email Accounts in Microsoft Outlook

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click the 'Tools' menu, and select 'Email Accounts.' This may vary, depending on your verison of Outlook.
  3. Select 'Add a new e-mail account,' then click 'Next.'
  4. Select 'IMAP,' or 'POP3' then click 'Next.'
  5. Setup the Account.
    • Enter 'Your Name' as you would like it to appear in sent emails.
    • Enter your e-mail address
    • Enter '' (replace with your domain) in the 'Incoming Mail Server' field.
    • Enter '' (replace with your domain) in the 'Outgoing Mail Server' field.
    • Enter your full e-mail address in the 'User Name' field.
    • Enter your password (for the e-mail account, not the password you use to log into the Control Panel) in the 'Password' field.
    • Click on the 'More Settings' tab to open the Settings window
    • In the 'Outgoing Server' tab check the box for 'Outgoing Server requires authentication'
    • In the Advanced tab check the box for 'Incoming Server requires encryption (SSL)'
    • Change Incoming Server port to 993 if you selected IMAP in step 4 above and 995 if you selected the POP3 protocol
    • Change Outgoing Server port to 465 if you selected IMAP in step 4 above and 587 if you selected the POP3 protocol
    • In the 'Use the following type of encryption' field, select 'Auto' from the drop-down list. Repeat this step for Outgoing Server if you're using the IMAP protocol
    • Click 'Ok' then click 'Finish' to come back to Internet Email Settings
    • Test your settings by clicking the 'Test Account Settings' button
    • If incoming and outgoing mail works great click 'Next' then 'Finish'
    • If one or both failed go back to the 'More Settings' tab and verify your entries.
Please note that our servers allow only secure email and we allow you to use the servers' installed SSL certificates. If you have an SSL certificate installed on your domain, use your domain name for both incoming and outgoing mail server settings. If you do not have any SSL certificate installed on your mail servers, the server will automatically use its own. This will cause your email client to prompt you with a security warning saying 'Saying the server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified. The target principal name is incorrect' every time you open it because the SSL certificate in use is in the name of the server and not your domain.. Click 'Yes' to continue; it is perfectly safe.

Alternatively, you may use the server's hostname as incoming and outgoing mail servers if you do not wan to deal with the security warning everytime you open Outlook. Please refer to your New Account Information email for the hostname of the server you are on. You can also find this information in your control panel.
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